Task 01 👨🏻💻
Task Description 📄
👉 Pull the Docker container image of CentOS image from DockerHub and create a new container
👉 Install the Python software on the top of docker container
👉 In Container you need to copy/create machine learning model which you have created in jupyter notebook
👉 Create a blog/article/video step by step you have done in completing this task.
👉 Submit the link of blog/article or video
pre-requisite : docker installed in your OS
To check whether docker is installed or not, use this command
docker info
To use docker , we have to first start docker services . And make it enable ,so that the services started permanently.
systemctl start docker
systemctl enable docker
to check status of docker, we use
systemctl status docker
Now , we pull image from DockerHub. Following command is used to download latest version of centos.
docker pull centos:latest
Note: you have an account on DockerHub and sign-in there.
Now, to run a docker container with name lwtask1, i have used this command
docker run -it --name lwtask1 centos
Now you are entered in your newly created container, and if you want to check , then you can run docker ps command in your base vm.
docker ps
Now we have to add some softwares in this container. So we will install python3 in this container using this command.
yum install python3 -y
After this, we have to install some libraries like pandas and scikit-learn for our machine learning model.
pandas is used to read the csv file and scikit-learn is used for linear regression and other functions.
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install scikit-learn
All installations are done, now moving to the main part
I have created a directory to maintain our task code with name “lwstask1”.
Now coming back to our base vm , from there we have to copy the dataset from base vm to container os, using the following command.
docker cp /root/Documents/Salary_Data.csv
Now the requires dataset is copied in docker container and now we can train our model using this code. I have created file for it. Here is the code,
vi #for creating new python file
# Load Dataset
import pandas
print(“Dataset Loaded Successfully”)# Creating targets and features
# x = feature / independent variable
# y = target / dependent variablex = db[“YearsExperience”]
y = db[“Salary”]# Loading LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
model = LinearRegression()x = db[“YearsExperience”].values.reshape(30,1),y)
print(“ Model Created Successfully”)# Saving Trained Model
import joblib
print(“ Model Saved Successfully”)model=joblib.load(“salary_model.pk1”)
# Let’s check this modelyears = float(input(“ Enter Years of Experience: “))
predict = model.predict([[years]])
print(“ Your Predicted Salary is : “,round(predict[0],2),”INR”)
After this, run above code using command python3
After running this code your model will be trained and you will get your result.
Check prediction with our created model code.
Task done Successfully.
Thanks !!!!!!!!!!